Mac, iPad 2 (ve üstü), iPhone 4 (ve üstü) ve iPod touch (4. nesil ve sonrası) üzerinde çalışabilen fotoğraf düzenleme ve paylaşma yazılı olan iPhoto‘nun son güncellemesinde 36.5 megapiksele kadar destek geldiği belirtilmiş. Bu durumda doğal olarak Nikon D800‘le çekilmiş fotoğraflarınızı IOS işletim sistemine sahip bir Apple ürünü üzerinden son iPhoto 1.1 güncellemesini kullanarak açabilecek ve birçok fotoğraf düzenlemesini yaparak sevdiklerinizle paylaşabileceksiniz. iPhoto’nun yeni güncelemesi ile birçok yeni özellik programa eklenmiş. iPhoto’nun son sürümünü indirmek için tıklayınız. Aşağıda resmi açıklamayı bulabilirsiniz.
• Added support for iPod touch (4th generation and later)
• Coaching tips have been added to the Help system on the iPhone and iPod touch
• Effects now include six new Apple-designed ink effects such as Chalk and Palette Knife
• Images up to 36.5 megapixels are now supported*
• Full-resolution photos can now be imported via iTunes File Sharing
• Tag albums can be created by adding custom tags to photos
• “Updating Library” alert appears less frequently
• Multiple photos can now be saved to the Camera Roll at the same time
• Cropping presets now use detected faces to determine composition
• Tilt-shift and gradient effects can now be rotated
• Facebook sharing now supports single sign-on in Settings
• Comments can be added more easily when posting photos to Facebook
• Videos can be uploaded to Facebook
• Locations and friend tags can now be set when posting photos to Facebook
• Comments and locations can be set on individual photos when sharing a group of photos to Facebook
• Any photo previously posted to Facebook can be more easily replaced with a more current version
• A notification is now displayed when an upload to Facebook completes in the background
• Photos can now be shared directly to Cards, iMovie and other supported apps
• Journals now include new layout options
• Fonts and alignment of text in journal items can be modified
• New style and colour options are available for Note and Memory items in journals
• Journal Note and Memory items can now be resized
• Dividers can be added to break journal pages into sections to control the reflow of layouts
• A new Swap mode makes it easier to change the placement of items in a journal layout
• You can now place a pin on a journal map when no location data is present
• Links to journals can now be shared directly to Facebook and Twitter, and via Messages
• Links to remote journals can now be shared even if the journal was created on another device
• A new Publish Changes button provides control over when to update your journal
• An overlay displaying month and year now appears when scrolling in Photos view
• Photos can now be sorted by date and can be filtered using new criteria
• Photos view now includes a Power Scroll strip for high-speed scrolling
• Grid of thumbnails can now be expanded to multiple rows in portrait orientation* 36.5MP images supported on iPhone 5 and third-generation iPad
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